

Discrete Fourier Transform Frequently Asked Questions

Table of contents

About FAQ

DFT FAQ is intended for people who already have some understanding of DFT. It works well as a remainder or it can answer some commonly asked questions but it will not really teach you what DFT is or how to use it.

Before using this FAQ you shall know a bunch of things including: sampling, quantization, discretization, signal, discrete signal, complex numbers, Euler's formula, sinusoid, sine, cosine, complex sinusoid, sigma summing notation.

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This FAQ was written by Paweł Sabat. You can contact me by mail at

What is transform?

Transform is also called transformation. It is just a special kind of function.

What is DFT?

DFT is a transform that takes a list of values and returns how much certain frequencies build up this signal. So in a sense DFT can take a piece of music and return how much certian frequencies occur in this signal.

DFT usually uses complex numbers to operate on.

DFT really consists of two transforms: forward DFT and inverse DFT.

Forward DFT

Forward DFT takes signal (in time, space or other domain) and returns how much certain frequencies build this signal. It usually is reffered to as just DFT.

$$DFT(x) = y = (y_0, y_1, y_2, ..., y_{N-1})$$

$$y_k = \sum_{n=0}^{N-1}{x_n * e^{-j*2 \pi *k/N*n}}$$

By using Euler's formula you can also write

$$y_k = \sum_{n=0}^{N-1}{x_n * (cos(2\pi * k/N*n) - j*sin(2\pi * k/N * n))}$$

Inverse DFT

Inverse DFT takes how much certain frequencies build signal and gives back original signal.

$$IDFT(y) = x = (x_0, x_1, x_2, .., x_{N-1})$$

$$x_n = \frac{1}{N} * \sum_{k=0}^{N-1}{y_k * e^{j*2\pi * k/N * n}}$$

By Euler's formula:

$$x_n = \frac{1}{N} * \sum_{k=0}^{N-1}{y_k * (cos(2\pi * k/N * n) + j * sin(2\pi * k/N * n)}$$

Variations about DFT

scaling factor

Notice that there is a scaling factor $\frac{1}{N}$ for inverse DFT. According to mathematical theory it must be applied, so that forward and inverse DFT are inverses of each other, but the actual place may vary. Some implementations apply scaling factor when computing forward DFT, some during inverse DFT, and some (eg. KissFFT) do not apply scaling factor at all, so you must remember about it.

minus sign (complex conjugate for forward dft)

Notice that in forward DFT there is a minus sign at $e^{-j*2 \pi *k/N*n}$. Some implementations may choose to put minus sign in forward DFT, some at inverse DFT. If you are implementing your own DFT/FFT and getting strangely inversed result, check this one.

DFT for real numbers

DFT is usually used with complex numbers (especially as FFT), but it can also be computed with real numbers. To use only real numbers you may set imaginary part of every sample to zero, which allows you to use existing DFT and FFT implementations. Some of them may also have functions to specifically deal with real valued signal (read the docs). You may also implement DFT using only real numbers - see Scientist and Engineer's Guide to Digital Signal Processing in links.

What freqencies are used by DFT?

Frequencies used by DFT are $0/N, 1/N, 2/N, .., N-1/N$, but these are not in Hz. When you have complex sinusoid with equation $e^{j*2\pi * k/N * n}$ then this sinusoid does k full cycles over N samples. To get frequency in Hz multiply this frequency by sampling frequency:

$f_s$ - sampling frequency

$f_k$ - frequency of k-th complex sinusoid in Hz

$$f_k = \frac{k}{N} * f_s$$

How is DFT derived?

DFT can be drived by discretization of Fourier Transform.

DFT can also be derived as a change of basis of N-dimensional vector space. You can see book Mathematics of the Discrete Fourier Transform listed in links to know more.

Interesting may also be term cross-correlation.

What is FFT?

Fast Fourer Transform is an optimized implementation of DFT that is usually used to compute DFT. So FFT gives the same result as DFT, but usually does it faster. DFT computed from definition has computational complexity of $O(n^2)$ whereas FFT has $O(n\log{n})$.

Good description of FFT is in "Introduction to Algorithms" 3rd Edition by Charles E. Leiserson, Clifford Stein, Ronald Rivest, and Thomas H. Cormen, Chapter 30: Polynomials and the FFT.

Common implementations of FFT

Some popular implementations of FFT include:

Very popular implementation of FFT available at It is GPL licensed.
Alternative to FFTW (altough not as fast), licensed under BSD. Available at

There are many, many more, including implementations by processor manufacturers. More implementations are listed at FFTW benchmark page.

Keep in mind that some FFT implementations may only work for signals whose length is a power of 2.

DFT in Octave/Matlab

Octave and Matlab have functions fft() and ifft() to compute dft.

# make some signal x
x = [1,2]
# compute dft for x
y = fft(x)
# compute inverse dft for y
x2 = ifft(y)

Full description of these functions and other useful tools are in documentation under signal processing section (Signal Processing Toolbox in Matlab).

Code snippet below shows how you can play with DFT and sinusoids. Remember that vectors in Octave and Matlab are 1-indexed.

# how to get single full cycle of sinusoid with frequency f Hz
# sampled with frequency fs Hz
f = 32
fs = 128
x = 2*pi*f * (0:1/fs:1-1/fs);
y = sin(x);

# how to plot sampled sin
plot(x, y);

# how to compute dft of signal
fourier = fft(y);

# DFT N viariable is the same as length of signal
N = length(y);

# how to get dft frequencies for each dft number
# each sample in dft corresponds to frequency (i-1)*fs/N
# where i is 1-indexed sample number
# fs - signal sampling frequency
# N - number of dft points

freqs = (0:(length(x)-1)) * fs/N;

# how to plot dft with frequencies on x axis
plot(freqs, abs(fourier));

DFT implementation in C

Below is a simple implementation of DFT (forward and inverse) directly following DFT definition, that you can use as a reference. It gives the same values as Octave (within computation errors).

It is written by me and licensed under Creative Commons Zero license (public domain).

You can also download sourcecode file directly.

Discrete Fourier Transform on complex numbers
compilation: cc -o cdft cdft.c -lm

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

typedef struct cnum
    float r; // real part
    float i; // imaginary part
} cnum;

Compute forward DFT for complex numbers

in - signal in time domain
out - signal in frequency domain
N - number of complex numbers in in, out

out[k] = sum(n=0,N-1): in[n] * e^(-j*2pi*k/N*n)
void cdft(cnum* in, cnum* out, int N)
    for(int n=0; n<N; ++n)
        out[n].r = 0.0;
        out[n].i = 0.0;

    // for every frequency
    for(int k=0; k<N; ++k)
        // for every point
        for(int n=0; n<N; ++n)
            float ar = in[n].r;
            float ai = in[n].i;
            float br = cosf(2*M_PI*k*n/N);
            float bi = -sinf(2*M_PI*k*n/N); // notice minus
            // (ar + i * ai) * (br + i* bi) = (ar*br - ai*bi) + i (ar*bi + ai*br)
            out[k].r += ar*br - ai*bi;
            out[k].i += ar*bi + ai*br;

Compute inverse DFT for complex numbers

in - signal in frequency domain
out - signal in time domain
N - number of points in in, out

out[n] = 1/N * sum(k=0,N-1): in[k] * e^(j*2pi*k/N*n)
void icdft(cnum *in, cnum *out, int N)
    for(int n=0; n<N; ++n)
        out[n].r = 0.0;
        out[n].i = 0.0;

    // for every point
    for(int n=0; n<N; ++n)
        // for every frequency
        for(int k=0; k<N; ++k)
            float ar = in[k].r;
            float ai = in[k].i;
            float br = cosf(2*M_PI*k*n/N);
            float bi = sinf(2*M_PI*k*n/N);
            out[n].r += ar*br - ai*bi;
            out[n].i += ar*bi + ai*br;
        // divide out[n] by N
        out[n].r /= N;
        out[n].i /= N;

int main(void)
    cnum in[5], out[5], in2[5];

    // create some input signal
    in[0].r = 1.0; // 1+2i
    in[0].i = 2.0;
    in[1].r = 3.0; // 3+4i
    in[1].i = 4.0;
    in[2].r = 2.0; // 2+4i
    in[2].i = 4.0;
    in[3].r = 3.0; // 3+7i
    in[3].i = 7.0;
    in[4].r = 2.0; // 2+5i
    in[4].i = 5.0;

    // compute forward dft
    cdft(in, out, 5);

    // display result of forward dft
    printf("%f%+fi\n", out[0].r, out[0].i);
    printf("%f%+fi\n", out[1].r, out[1].i);
    printf("%f%+fi\n", out[2].r, out[2].i);
    printf("%f%+fi\n", out[3].r, out[3].i);
    printf("%f%+fi\n", out[4].r, out[4].i);

    // compute inverse dft = restore signal from frequencies
    icdft(out, in2, 5);

    // display restored signal
    printf("%f%+fi\n", in2[0].r, in2[0].i);
    printf("%f%+fi\n", in2[1].r, in2[1].i);
    printf("%f%+fi\n", in2[2].r, in2[2].i);
    printf("%f%+fi\n", in2[3].r, in2[3].i);
    printf("%f%+fi\n", in2[4].r, in2[4].i);

    return 0;

Free, online version of book The Scientist and Engineer's Guide to Digital Signal Processing by Steven W. Smith. It contains basics of DSP including DFT based on real numbers, and later with complex numbers. Really good resource for start.
Free, online version of book Mathematics of the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) with audio applications, Second edition by Julius O. Smith III. Contains all the mathematics behind DFT including how to derive DFT. Number of related topics and theorems can be daunting though.

Article written 20.11.2016