What to do with audio?
There is a ton of things that you can do with audio and sound in general. Here are some ideas,
first about digital audio, then some about sound waves.
When you have audio in digital form you can do the following with it:
- play
- send
- store
- audio file formats, containers eg. ogg
- compress
- code, decode
- edit, change, filter
- mixing two or more audio tracks together
- sound effects eg: reverb, tempo change, pitch change
- removal of echo, noise
- removal of voice from a song
- change or normalization of loudness
- generate
- mechanical intruments synthesizers eg. for piano, flute, xylophone
- nonexistent/electronic intrument synthesizers
- text to speech syntesizers
- process
- vizualize eg. spectrum
- speech to text conversion
- create intrument tuner eg. for guitar
- identify people by their voice
- event recognition eg. handclap, breaking glass, explosion
Some of the more interesting uses of physical sound waves include:
- sonar - detecting objects by listening to sounds
- ultrasonic testing, ultrasonic flaw detection - testing materials for structure and flaws eg. pipes
- cymatics - visualization of sound waves eg. on surface of a metal plate covered in sand
- acoustic levitation - holding objects in air by sound
- phaser - sound laser
Article written 20.03.2017